lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013


Willka / Yopo / Parica
(Anadenanthera Colubrina), also known as uilca, uillca, willca, vilca, villca, willka, huilca, angico, cebil, curupari o curupau. 
o Anadenanthera Peregrina (yopo, nopo, ñopo, cohiba, cohoba, parica) is one of the oldest psycho active plants, used by the Incas. It was unknown in other parts of Peru and yet fairly unknown nowadays.
Willka is a tool to interact with other realities. It is a teacher plant of great power.

For the high Inca leaders, the use of Willka would have been necessary to become a responsible chief, to gain power, the wisdom.

The psycho-active substance contained in Willka is bufotenin, similar molecule to DMT. Thanks to his entheogenic and adaptogenic qualities, DMT activates our pineal gland, which guides us to inside experiment, Light visions, deep meditation and well being. 

Willka which is consumed as a « Rappé » (with a bamboo tube) is blown in each of the nostrils giving visions and a deep state of meditation. The sensations are similar to an Ayahuasca ceremony, but stronger and more intense. It can be done in a ceremonial space or outdoors.

anything between 1,5hs to 4hs

Fast anything between 12 to 24hours before the ceremony.
Drink 2litres of water right before the ceremony.
Wear confortable clothes, that you can afford to get dirty (some don't make it to the bathroom)

Not for the lighthearthed.
It is advisable that you had had some experience with Ayahuasca and Rape before you approach a Willka ceremony.

Important note: Integration period post ceremony
After a ceremony with teacher plants (Ayahuasca, San Pedro, Peyote etc) or a retreat where the teacher plants are used it is essential for your own good to integrate the experiance. What does it mean? It means you should take your time and have at least the full day or 2 days in a quiet place where you can sleep, have walks in nature, eat light and healthy food, drink loads of water, liquids and fruit juices.
After the ceremony you body is fragile and your energy field is still open and it can be very damaging for you if you are set to travel by bus or plane for many hours. There no point of rushing things thru willing to see more places or wanting to experience more ceremonies. Take your time, and give you body and your energetical system time to adapt to a new configuration.

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